Selected Thousand Islands Links

Thinking about a spot to call your own in the Thousand Islands?

Visit KringPoint.Net to view photos of some nice places.

The Ship Watcher

If you are interested in ships on the St. Lawrence River, please visit The Ship Watcher

Michael Folsom offers breaking news and views on the Seaway, and is regularly cited as an original news source by major media outlets.

Singer Castle Blog & More

Visit Robert J. Mondore's Singer Castle Blog & More for news and interesting info about the area's castles.

Robert is the producer of the popular Singer Castle documentary titled Dark Island's Castle of Mysteries.

Ask the Boater

Ask the Boater covers the on-water action near Clayton, New York, reporting from their slip in French Bay.

Their goal is to bring you resources, interesting information and fun items to improve your boating experience. 

Subscribe to the Thousand Islands Sun

Our most sincere thanks and appreciation go out to the staff of the Thousand Islands Sun

Our work has been featured on over 16 Vacationer covers and on numerous occaisions within the paper.  Visit their new website.
